
You what? Having your parents repriment you....this entire world ever heard would be that SMCH 2018-2020, all things Digital she ever heard me saying things from the television. This one lifetime promises she given out.

And ...what is that you wish your parents not saying to you, inside your life, you didn't promise God. She did. At least that is what I understand she became a nun until 1997 and most time she stills inside that jobs of her SMTV, not a super glamours name to be honest, at least she didn't grown custom to the heart with all that sexual things in life. 

你呷咪? 有你們自己的家長對著你們罵 ....這整個世界曾經聽我說過這個 SMCH 清海小妮姑是 2018-2020, 矽谷的那個蘋果演討會的名稱= All Things Digits 她曾經聽我說過什麼,在電視上面,這一生她說她擔保的哪種東西? 她的一輩子!!!

然後 ....你們是希望你們家長對你們不說,在你們生活裡面,你們並沒有擔保上帝,她擔保了,至少在我認知她做尼姑到 1997 年的時候,大多數時間她待在她那個工作裡面的,特別顯眼名稱的無上師電視台,不是什麼很耀眼的,誠實講,至少她並不是那種非常成長在自然以為,變成那種很有性感的感官,生命裡生活裡。 

When Zawanna shows up, or before hands, I think we are already over that conversation in 2018-2020, really.

當這凱爾的弟弟出現,或是之前,我想我們的討論早就在 2018-2020 結束,真的

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