
In UK, I try out their real university team. It was right across my international dorm. But in UB, I had two intramural volleyball. Not the real human any substance in it....just the normal other girls.

But right.....this things, don't bother with it. I haven't jump for 25 years.

It was in JC Always (JC Chasez) - that 2 groups.

Westlife - My Love


"Not really, all got fat. I have to stay in this weight, not I cannot going it down yet. They had about 2 video, one in CA, one in my room 2018, the volleyball also ends up in JC Always video. I didn't change."

"They have to identify themselves, how the classify materials were saying things to them....that's about right. Not really...most of them are not anything science major. Our high school is different, not those 4 girls. No. "

"The regular classmate in our high school, will do much better than they are. That is how bad they are." 

"There was a big told me to practice the initial serving the ball? Right....that was every morning 6:30 am. 30 mins before 7:00 each morning that time....guess what. That time there was one game with another honor class guy + their people. So I was serving the ball to whichever I just didn't finish the games right them, by serving only. Right, I see things just like our tournament. I don't think that was anything important, but I think I draw a diagram for them. Its literally like that. Its just a intramural volleyball. There is no substance in it. One set of the first group girls, you know I was driving to Wing's house, passing by Erin the last time current residence, they were right behind me, the very car behind me, I saw them in my mirror, we were waiting that road to cross, that is Bailey. I never told anyone, how strange they just happened to be exactly those girls, all inside that car behind me. Strange. The first set of that JC Chasez -JC Always. "

"Probably has to report it, so I just told you, every volleyball scene in it."

Westlife - Somebody needs you


"No, I think in UK I start to use the prescription eye glasses. Not even when I was in the high school.  In the same JC Chasez video - JC Always. "

"If they meant real, I don't think the real speed in the real those younger people team, the real speed no, I still cannot see indoor, I think. I stay toooo long outdoor, it might get worse, if they add those speed players in it. Not the regular human, the real volleyball team. I cannot see indoor. I remember that from the high school. I cannot see. "

"uh....no, not formation. They cannot catch the ball, that is why that is called the intramural volleyball?"

"Serving is fine."

"Finish all of them, right."

"No skills require, correct. "

"Why I go there for? They.....heard I was in the first group, Adria was the referee, so there is a second semester they show up. They say they want to go. I don't think I really invite them, or else I get a second brand new groups."

"uh, no, not our high school IQ. Not really. Those bimbo belonging how soon they will all get very fat Western White girl, short too. You are all too taller for them. "

"Twilight ....if that is what it means Tw....Tamang he is not the bright brain IQ, its the diligent to make it that school GPA, some people IQ doesn't require a lot of that, and he is not one of them." 

"I have seen some other with the IQ and the literacy will sound a lot more like the geek class people looking including some other bio field, so not that Devil Wear Prada, but I assuming I know that is a pain and ache in it. Not their IQ. That is zero. Just cross all off, doesn't belong any of that. No."

"I think its purely an IQ issues, and how soon....I say in my last lawsuit. Its just the IQ and the brain issues, literally GPA. I think so."

"Tamang requires to study in the Capen, I think he starting that in the community college, not the real college, and he took the shortcut in it. He grows too tall. Just leave him to the police. I say just purely the brain IQ. Seriously."

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