
What is your hobby, Pang? Anything you do for fun?

Like something you love to do? The water amusement park?

Something this hobby you are very good at it? Some people good at the literacy and just meant sent them to hell all the way. At the tone. They do that for the amusement, kinda of like your mother. 

You like the friends hang out? 

Which friends? The girls or the guys, or the couple, or this grade school here Taipei, and Jones?


Canada one of those Ski club, UB we have near LGBT or I imagine Seth trespassing that door sometimes, we have a ski club in front of the APO, the entrance corner door, we pass each other day. He run off very very often right at me, but he didn't see my face.

I just happen to come up the stair.

You limbs are a little bit toooooo long to stay in the chair, get up and exercise something. You are doing that fitness wise, but that is not the only things you do that alone? 

No, you talking to your mother first. When I had that Master degree, I talk to her first. Or she told me something before, and then....the one day comes, I change. How many phone calls we really talk on the phone?

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