
You really care about it, so the movie says "Let it Go", inside you. You want to spend 2 years doing nothing with any guy, just working on your own mindfulness? 1) Toilet, every element wash, including the floor. Not the unlimited toilet paper.

The detergent, not foam all over the place, you use 5 x water washing it.

2) You have any alcohol wipe in America? Or the alcohol spread, how to wipe it?

3) Your own floor, the living quarter all carpet, or floor? I use one of those Office Depot tape, to every inches of the carpet, my hair...its blonde. Really. 

4 Wiping the door knot, sink facet, not just the water coming out, the base and the handle of all facet sink in everywhere you living at, with that one bottle alcohol spray, you learning your hand jobs with your eye glasses.

You write this list down.

Part 2

You sort your paper works to go to Canada. What do they require?  3 months within, your bank statement, your cell phone, your lease, or your work current. You highlight the address, and write a pen like that monthly date with the highlighter rectangle of it.

Stack that up.

You been to Canada?

Part 3

Mix assort nuts + some jello + kids beverage drinks.

Sometimes for your parents, sometimes for your brother, sometimes for anyone around. You seeing it you carrying it home, you count on their number, you feel jealousy burn fire hand that to anyone you don't wish them to drink it. You are that small tiny. But you starting with that action forward yourself to see, how far you can wish people will, NOT every drink people put inside their mouth, you have a burn fire inside you, the enemy or your family. 

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