
Do I tell Shane what happened in UB? No. You mean if I discuss with Shane? Whom? My Facebook?


What do I think really happened to them? 

I just found out about 2 days ago, I think its exactly like Flower Thousand Bone 26, or worse. Because when you saying the consecutively....you mean one time, then repeat the second time or the third time over the last 10 years, or 16 years, because I did the liver flush on my facebook. The parents don't know, or the circumstance they are not told. When I told them about 3 or 6 months ago with this lawsuit, I say you have to carry a democracy sense.

I literally write them per word down. 3 months ago. They readinig it 6 months ago I guess.  So with the real human whom wish to participating any lawful act....this is a funny thing, I thought when they told me most people are the political driven, or somehow the lawful nature to proceeding things in life at the local court so one day to go to their dream its = American Congress, you don't get consecutively sent to jail.

You don't know what it means.

Every single time, if someone get to a jail, there is a legal process. That entire procedure its real. The police at their wrong doing, that is one thing. If the police got a warrant, tell me whom issue that warrant for what reason, because all the police has to report back what they found on that warrant. So there is a legal proceeding the next charge. That entire process its from the police detain center, to move somewhere, so the trial begins, it might take how many time, you mean their parents literally knew that, driving them back and forth to the court room seeing a Judge, and then sign at the final verdict. They got sentence for 3 months or 1 years.

Right now its 10 years gone.

Or 16 years pass.

...... I Anna keep saying I cannot understand a word on every turn of this?

They probably trying to threaten me, every kind of the UB. So I say, right....what is your legal targeting words?

I re-done that arguments literally how many lawsuit for them, per line, per bullet points, per numbering.

They never quit doing that.

okay, so I say.....re-done. I don't want to hear about it. Its you lie on the TV, or off the home, your parents know you lie every step the way. Anna saying it.

Those are not going to jail, or they are close to be detain. So they will be the sequence of how that happening as the legal process I describing to them above.

You will have to be clear, they are all the correct methods proceeding in the real lawful society.

I have no idea what really did happen. Still not clear.

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