
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ Have you ...ever asked your dad how to talk to people?

๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ Let's say, that does not limited to Christmas and Thanksgiving? 

And? That is a very simple question. 

No, both my mother and nick does business, but they are the muted people, tuttering, or the brain. Nick has some of the those 90s, their seminar cards on the business learning, or in between people whom want to hear about when you show up. I don't do those things, but he does. 

You position yourself when you talking to the guys, whom are profit driven, not the family household saying. You didn't notice yours conversation and my conversation to them its....other than "Good Morning, Shane ~~~Good night nicky ~~~~"

They are off their tour for a very very long time, you never notice, or you think they are still on their music venture like those 25 years old?  Meaning it will be a lot more relax than if you talking back and forth from one side of the age bracket no one finds out to talking to the youth age the boy's bracket. 

I clean up his library, or the table desk card. He has an office table. My ex bf. These library books are me doing it per book key-in jobs, the name, the author, the publication date. That was my Intern in UB too.

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