
Lauren that 達己 what? She will never be a human, and? Does that mean she will never be Krishina?

It means Simon uses his body parts, any part of any life if he does not sort with that he already detain in jails, that destination might be the astral hell with that kind of the attitude or the sabotage not to educate the mass, because...that is a part of the service to humanity. He saving himself as if were....that things be tempted with by the fate.

He likes her correct. Its a true love.

He sort that with the Judge best. But the judge needs to learn the Chinse, and the history....in 10 years he meant he die now on the stage, those attitude.


At our 5th grade....one day comes to a substitute teacher. Not that far from the first grade one of those girls popular students groups rate.  She makes a lot of the girls us to go to her home, or somewhere together, its a case about her. I am not the strongest voice there. I just go there, to go along this..."democracy" rally.

Fighting for a justice with the group. Like the first grade, you trying to joining any part of the local people. Its to fight with....one of the executive "very known executive teacher" just below the principle, everyone knew her. 

She is like the second, but not the Vice. She is just got hired.  She looks like my middle school Ancient Chinese teacher, that kind of the hair style, short and curly, to the collar length. Its a professional look. Curls. That execuative Staff I still remember. Its this substitute teacher has to fight against, one ladder lower her the fat lady. 

Right, we helping her. Or I am a little bit distance, but I joining in the group to listen to her cry. She is a very tall Asian girl, her teeth is not good. But you imagine a substitute teacher to causing the students to go rally for her. She got fired after, of course. But we like her.

Her nose things, were our popular commercial that time, that age. That...years, those time, those years. When you cluster a lot of the girls together, a few of them will be the leading voice to arm hold to each other, including to the teacher.

No, I was short in the 5th grade. Not growing...everyone is a lot taller girls are buddy the teacher around. The class like her.


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