
Let me tell you what is this American medical board 1 head 2 big head. sorry 1 head too big (2 side direction) -The criminal activities, are not Samsara, it belongs to jail.

Not slow pace makes a snail. 

I saying that?

Sorry.....they are the different department, so I say, I blind, I damf, shut up, birds. 

I think they literally be at home, and yelling at their parents "They are useless". They didn't know the air gets too cold neither or someone everyone morning has something, that every morning sometimes. They wish everyone save them, not save me. They never think their parents gonna die, meaning they won't get married, so by a certain age, they start look by look the photo in the mirror, not one youth face talking to them normal, other than those Mc Donald. Meaning you cannot go out and to eat dining if you don't have the money.

Therefore, in the real life scenario, there is no one to talks to, everyone faces get old.  I don't really meant I use Nicky to force that situation but I did put his name side by, because I am making my side of the efforts. I try to stop him saying that. I know that. But they think you can work it out or the best wishing you well. None of you wishing anyone else well. NONE. My spirituality or my head justice department, you don't deserve it. Make your way to protests, you didn't feel the air cold every step the way.

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