
The avocado here its all bad.

Dirty and bad. Inside. Its tooo warm, everything spoiled. Last night, every dark night, this big roach will show up at the door. 

One dove just now at that avocado time, flying from that window toward top. So its very very near. They do that very very often. It supposes to be the human world. I cannot tell you how miserable this is. If I go down to breath life.....toooooo many people. When I get home, I wish to rest, its the entire birds, or the dogs, or the sky or the cloud every single hour, they are on their jobs. So I cannot go down the stair.....I don't feel restful already every day. You going it down, its to social with the people.

These birds never STOP talking !!!!

My bed not that big...I have to hold it that pillow, and my left side legs all hurting. Shane has something to talk, I ate....so I have to call him.....~~~~

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