
You imagine your misery, or now, its better I proclaim I stay here, everyone cheer? You know how the inner vision works now? Its a story in front of me, hurts me, then your image show up with the cap on.

That misery, want to get up, straight up your back, drink some warm water, or put some warm water behind your neck or your faces, the forehead. Dry. Use a towel and dry both behind neck and the forehead.

Kate means the cake !! So I have to make the sweet.

You compete and compare to my age. You are? 20 years old. By 10 years, you will be 30.

Do you ever told your dad, one day you will be 30, 40...then gets very old and die? You want to start with the conversation right? You coming here to DIE. Not the politics, not the international trade, you just want to go home. You got no one else telling you what to do. Are you going to close down the internet to my blog, you going on your happy 10 years without me?

That kind of saying?

Westlife Home


How it reminds you. Really.

You mean the Kenshin Himura 10 years pass, that was 2014

Or there is a sheet on your table, any of you combine together to make yourself a sheet, its they officially telling you, I only seeing you one person in your own room. That is driven for me to believe. You trying to tell me, you really really really care the beginning of the first day its like Westlife getting the welcome. "Welcome....back, again in 9 months."

You want to say in the end of the 10 years, you dreaming its where your Itune, this cover photo? You know 20 years ago, you don't have that service, someone if alive, he will tell you all that, and how can you be staring at your own ITune cover photo art?

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